Essential fermentation tools
to start your fermentation journey with confidence. Just follow the Amazon affiliate links!
Your essential tools:
Digital Kitchen Scale
GET IT HEREOne of the most important tools in the fermenter's kitchen - measure twice, mix once.
Fermentation Weights
GET IT HEREEssential for most fermentation techniques - keeps everything submerged!
Deli Containers
GET IT HEREA must in any kitchen, best for measuring, prepping and holding multiple ingredients.
Mason Jars
GET IT HERENothing fancy, just good reliable containers for all prep and fermentation techniques.
Black Garlic Fermenter
GET IT HEREFor the next step in your fermentation journey, get more complex flavors and aromas through the power of the Maillard reaction.
Custom Temperature InstaPot
GET IT HEREAdjust and hold temperature with precision for short and long term koji ferments.